Partner with Costa Rica Story
Business partners with Costa Rica Story tourism and relocation services

Do you have a business or service in Costa Rica that would work well with Costa Rica Story and the Tourism and Relocation business? Would you like to get some free promotion for your business?
If selected, your business will be featured in a Costa Rica Story Video and exposed to our 5,000 of our current subscribers and countless other viewers (They are all very interested in Costa Rica) on our rapidly growing YouTube channel. One of our videos has more than 100,000 views! Not only that, Costa Rica Story has a growing following on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
The benefit to you is getting more exposure for your business, the benefit to Costa Rica Story is in developing a growing resource of top quality businesses for our clients. There is no charge to be partners or to be featured in a video, but Costa Rica Story is available to help you create advertising campaigns in the future if that is something of interest to you.
It is a win/win/win situation for YOU, for US and for our CLIENTS!
Fill out our survey providing the requested information and we will discover if your business and Costa Rica Story are a good fit to work together. Join the best of the best businesses that are already working with Costa Rica Story and see the benefits of this mutual partnership. Costa Rica Story is seeking only quality businesses that care deeply about their clients, you don’t have to be big or fancy, but integrity is very important. If that sounds like you, we very much look forward to hearing from you!
Click to complete our partnership survey
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