Moving to Costa Rica — October 16, 2020 at 10:45 am

Moving to Costa Rica? Sarah Elena can help.


Are you planning on moving to Costa Rica? Sarah Elena offers a unique service that will help you prepare for the journey, get you through some of the red tape involved and help you get acclimated once you arrive. She has a great group on Facebook and does weekly live sessions (Both on YouTube and Facebook) where you can ask question on the topic of the week. You can set up a free 30 minute call with her and if you really are serious about making the move you can book her services and she will help you with all the little details you may or may not have thought about. Disclaimer, I am a client of hers and she is currently helping me make the move.

Here is her web site Sara Elena – Costa Rica Relocation Expert

Her YouTube channel has great variety of Costa Rica Topics and I suggest binge watching her complete series. Here is an intro video from Sarah.

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