Living in Costa Rica, Moving to Costa Rica — August 6, 2024 at 12:01 pm

Costa Rica Living – What is new? Where are you?


It has been 2 weeks since I have uploaded a Costa Rica video, people keep asking “Where you been!” I am here, I just took a break from editing and am now trying out doing more “One take ” videos. Whale season is in full swing, and work to get the new traffic light in Uvita continues. I am still trying to adjust being back in Costa Rica after a visit to the USA, but spending some time at the beautiful playa Ventanas to film this episode is a real pleasure. I am fortunate to live so close to many wonders wonders of nature here in Costa Rica. Come and visit me and do the Uvita Day Adventure!

The famous Uvita Day Adventure                   

Ways you can help this channel and keep making Costa Rica Videos

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