Panama Border run to renew Visa – Perpetual tourist visit to Paso Canoas October 2022
#costaricaadventure #coffeetasting #Costaricayoutube #uvita #puravide #costaricastory
Costa Rica to Panama Border run to renew visa and get passport stamped. What has changed ? What is the same? Tune in to this episode of Costa Rica Story and find out. Resources Original Detailed Panama Border run episode (January 2022) My second Border Ri=un to Panama (April 2022) Hotel Residential Las Canarias located in Panama- Spanish speaking only at this number by phone 507 2732 1057 Text my friend Jenny on WhattsApp and make sure to tip her well! +507 6544-5097… Two weeks in Costa Rica article on crossing the Panama Border… #panamaborderrun #Visarun #CostaricatoPanama #perpetualtourist Costa Rica Story features definitive guides to Costa Rica and useful information for Vacationing and living in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Story is also on Facebook- Check out the interactive drone images!

My name is Ed and I sold my house, quit my job as a Rich Media Editor with Gracenote back in the USA and moved to Uvita Costa Rica in April of 2021, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. Moving to a new country by yourself can be an intimidating endeavor, but with the right mindset and a little luck, life has been very good for me here. I love the weather here, the nature is absolutely amazing, the beaches and the mountains are fantastic, I even have monkeys in my back yard. Costa Rica Story does an informal livestream on Thursdays, be sure to check that out. The Costa Rica Story web site
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