Dry Season in Uvita Costa Rica- A peek at Envision Festival
#envision #dryseason #adventuretours #dry #norain #festivalenvision #Costaricayoutube #uvita #puravida #costaricastory
We take a bike ride through Uvita Costa Rica to see what life is like here in Early March. It is the Dry Season and it is the High Season, so it is dry and lots of sun and it is also more crowded than other times of the year. We also have a huge Festival called Envision Festival that brings thousands of tourists every year. We will take a bike ride along Playa Hermosa to get a glimpse of this unique event. Welcome to the Costa Rica Story Youtube channel. My name is Ed and I make videos about Costa Rica, it’s people, nature and what it is like to live here in Costa Rica. If you are considering traveling, vacationing or even moving to Costa Rica, you will find my many detailed guides helpful and I hope you will find all the videos on this channel fun and informative. If you are new to the channel, you could start by checking out one of the playlist of our most popular videos in the Viewer’s choice playlist. • Popular
Do you have a local Business and would like to partner with Costa Rica Story? ¿Tiene un negocio local y le gustaría asociarse con Costa Rica Story? https://www.costaricastory.com/costa-…
Costa Rica Immersion 2023 – Come see Uvita as a local By individual request I have been doing consulting for people visiting Costa Rica or thinking of moving. I had been doing this as requested for a while, but now I am doing it in a more organized way. I am now offering The Costa Rica Immersion experience, which is in simple terms, me showing you around the Uvita area and giving you a feel for what it is like to live in Costa Rica. You can choose from one day to 6 days or more and it does not matter if you are planning on moving here or just on vacation, your time here can be customized to suit your needs. Of course this is not for everyone, but if you want more info you can click the link below to see more details and pricing. https://www.costaricastory.com/costa-…
Visit the Costa Rica Story Web Site It contains a collection of videos, merchandise and upcoming Costa Rica Emersion information. https://www.costaricastory.com Costa Rica Story Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/CostaRicaSto…
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My name is Ed and I sold my house, quit my job as a Rich Media Editor with Gracenote back in the USA and moved to Uvita Costa Rica in April of 2021, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. Moving to a new country by yourself can be an intimidating endeavor, but with the right mindset and a little luck, life has been very good for me here. I love the weather here, the nature is absolutely amazing, the beaches and the mountains are fantastic, I even have monkeys in my back yard. Costa Rica Story does an informal livestream on Thursdays, be sure to check that out. The Costa Rica Story web site https://www.costaricastory.com/
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