Independence Day Costa Rica style!
#costaricaholidays #independenceday #Costaricayoutube #uvita #puravide #costaricastory
Celebrating Costa Rica’s Independence Day in Uvta Costa Rica with parades , traditional dancing, traditional food and proudly displaying the Flag of Costa Rica. We follow the Diana as it’s line of decorated cars makes it’s way through the streets of Uvita, starting at 4:30am. Later in the morning the Children’s parade makes it’s way down Calle Uvita with it’s drums, music and colorful traditional dancers.
Costa Rica Story is also on Facebook- Check out the interactive drone images!

My name is Ed and I sold my house, quit my job as a Rich Media Editor with Gracenote back in the USA and moved to Uvita Costa Rica in April of 2021, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. Moving to a new country by yourself can be an intimidating endeavor, but with the right mindset and a little luck, life has been very good for me here. I love the weather here, the nature is absolutely amazing, the beaches and the mountains are fantastic, I even have monkeys in my back yard. Costa Rica Story does an informal livestream on Thursdays, be sure to check that out. The Costa Rica Story web site
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