Moving to Costa Rica, My Story, My Videos — January 2, 2021 at 7:54 pm

Loco Mono is stoked for Costa Rica 2021


Loco Mono is stoked for Costa Rica 2021, he finally get to leave the cold behind and head off to paradise. Will there be monkeys? Will there be Macaws? Stay tuned for the answers in upcoming episodes of Costa Rica Story. It is January 2nd, 2021 and welcome to Costa Rica Story. I ‘m Loco Mono and for the last few months I have been keeping a video diary of what it’s like living in the states and trying to get my life here squared away so I can move to Costa Rica. It has been a real roller coaster, and things have taken alot longer to happen than I could ever have imagined, but finally things are starting to fall into place and I will be leaving the frozen tundra of New York state for the tropical climate of beautiful Costa Rica. I have to say I am super excited to be nearing the finish line, even though there are a few loose ends that need to be tied up, but make no mistake, It is almost go time. Up until now this has been a fairly ordinary story, but now with the move to Costa Rica the next chapter is going to be epic! I spent yesterday working on the Costa Rica Story web site and I am really happy with the way ir is looking. It is built from the ground up to be video friendly. You can view the videos right on the front page scrolling carousel, if you want to go full screen, just click the icon and you are full screen. If you want to jump to one of our social media sites, the linked icons are right there It is already packed with content from my YouTube channel, as well as videos from others that I really like. In addition to all the videos, I am gathering information about Costa Rica That I have found useful in my search for knowledge in this Costa Rica quest. All this is packed into an extremely user friend package that is easily searched or browsed by category. I am very proud of how it has turned out and I highly recommend checking it out and share it with a friend. If you have any questions or suggestions, Please drop me a line through the contact form or comments on YouTube. If you have not subscribed to the channel yet please give our subscribe button a tap, hit the bell to be notified and give the video a like if you think it deserves it. Stay tuned, I have a feeling 2021 is going to take this story on one wild ride! And oh yeah….There will be Monkeys!!! There WILL be monkeys!!!!

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